The Short Story:

On 03/09/05, I fell off my bicycle and broke my leg. I'm getting better. I'm back on the bike.

The Medium-Length Story:

It was a cold and icy day. I was on a routine bike-ride, on an icy street. Suddenly both wheels went left very quickly. The top-bar on the bicycle went right very quickly, catching my right leg. It broke, both bones, with a spiral fracture of the tibia. I now have a plate in my leg. See the picture below.

The Long Story:

Background: . . I've been riding, in all weather (including snow and icy roads) for over 30 years. I also do much of the routine maintenance of my bike myself.
The Accident: . . It was a normal ride, temperature around 20 degrees F. Though there were icy spots on the streets, I was being careful, and expected nothing worse than having to put my foot down to stablilize any skid. I was about 3 miles from home, on Battle Rd. in Princeton. It is a wide, quiet residential street, just about never well plowed. As stated above, the cycle moved left very suddenly with the top bar catching my right leg a few inches above the ankle. Wham! I was lying on my back and I knew the leg was broken. I took off my helmet, got my cell-phone out, and called 911.
Injury and result: . . The bike was undamaged. I spent several hours in the ER staring at my foot sitting at a right angle to its normal position.

The break involved split ends of the bone, so putting a pin in would merely enlarge the split. The surgeon decided that a metal plate was the best option: Cut a hole near the break. Move the pieces as needed. Slide the plate in through the hole, under the skin. Cut small holes for the screws. After 2 days there was a 1.5 hour operation to screw the plate to my tibia. I spent 3 weeks in Merwick (Rehab facility in Princeton). I then spent about 7 weeks at home, getting around with a walker. (No weight on the leg.) Things are getting better. The picture shows the plate and screws. There are signs of healing between the diagonal screw and the one above it. Part of the broken fibula is visible at the top.
About the cause: . . Before the accident, I had noticed a clicking sound from the left pedal. I planned to replace it. As I said, at the time of the accident, all I can remember is both wheels suddenly moving left. A day after I got back on the bike, I noticed the clicking again. Suddenly the left pedal froze on its axis. A pedal that doesn't turn has the effect of lifting your foot up and throwing it off the pedal. I think that is what happened to initiate the accident. I now know who to blame for the accident... Me!